Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rizal"s Law in the Philipines



                    Republic act 1425

Also known as the, " Rizal's Law in the Philippines... the law that enforce schools to include in their curriculum the study of life, works and writings of Rizal. 
The law was enacted in order to re-dedicate Jose Rizal and other heroes of their idealism of bravery,  nationalism and patriotism in which heroes lived and died for.

 Effects of the Rizal Law in the Philippines

After many years Rizal died, a law was passed in the 1956. The law made a great impact in our country...

1. It marked some holidays where Rizal and Bonifacio are celebrated:

2. It made a stronger bond of nationalism among Filipinos...

Since the aim of the law was to remember or in honor for the heroes, too much respect and patriotism was observed among Filipinos. They greatly respected the heroes for what they have done for the country.

Was the law successfully implemented?

As far as we all know, the law was successfully implemented. Until now, students are studying Rizal as a subject, Whereas life, works, and writings, particularly the novels El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere are a constant and inspiring source of nationalism and patriotism among all Filipinos. As for the youths, it helps them to be a good citizen and be a model in the present and to the future.

If I have the power to amend the law, I would do the following Provisions:

 1. Recommend that books of Rizal and other heroes should be given free to students and youths for them to read.

2. I have noticed that most Rizal books contents are not all the same. Hence, translations of these books must be given an attention that to make sure that they are accordingly translated and well organized to avoid confusions during class discussions and even reviews.

3. More medium, not only books must be published in more appealing and more catching to all Filipinos to read and understand.

                          BE a Nationalist..  Speak your voice.

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