Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rizal"s Law in the Philipines



                    Republic act 1425

Also known as the, " Rizal's Law in the Philippines... the law that enforce schools to include in their curriculum the study of life, works and writings of Rizal. 
The law was enacted in order to re-dedicate Jose Rizal and other heroes of their idealism of bravery,  nationalism and patriotism in which heroes lived and died for.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

BE a hero today!!!

 Let me ask you these questions?  Can you be a hero  for our country? What can you do? 

In the present time, we can see the problems, failures, and corruptions we are facing. the same problems that arise ever since we all know. We, today is under the presidency of Noynoy Aquino..  who doesn't want change? all of us long for changes in our country for a better Philippines.But then, how can we help to achieve this aim?

I was reminded with the quotation," don't ask what your country can give you: Instead, ask yourself," What can you do for your country's will?

Of course, anybody of us can be a hero in different and simple ways. It doesn't really mean to say that to be a hero means to use guns and weapons to fight or to achieve something. no blood needs to be shed.  Who wants to be killed just to make things work out.? No one wants that to happen.

Nothing more is required to us to be a hero for our country other than, be a good citizen and be a good example to it. We must serve the country with, respect, diligence, dedication and patriotism.   With no much ado, let us commit our hope, trust and determination to our leaders, government and to every  Filipino..  

As all of us Filipinos, cooperation is needed to accomplish our common goal for the country. What we need is the right motivation and the determination to face the risk and come up with something as one.

What is more to ask than, peace, free of corruption, poverty is solved and people are  happy for what they live in? Everybody wants to fulfill that goal. so lets bond hands and pursuit them..

heroism among Filipinos....

Do we need a hero? What kind of hero can make a difference to our country?

Way back to  Andres Bonifacio and  Jose Rizal times, heroes were admired and respected. But what do we say when we are asked to define heroism?
Heroism  is a sense of bravery, courage  and doing good deeds for most of the people. In short, he showed a heroic act.  Many heroes were recorded in our history namely Emilio Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini, Lapu-Lapu and others.  How can we give credits to define heroism in our country? Here are some of my own views:

1. Being a true Filipino by blood and by heart: means that an individual must be dedicated and willing to comply to the country's needs, bears the country's agony and hardship at all cost, and must be strong enough to fight for the country's will.

2. Peaceful political advocacy : Filipino must show and reveal his love and concern for the Philippines through peaceful, self-controlled and diplomatic way. Wherein guns and sword are not needed. Instead, proper and right communication is to be used. this is the way Jose Rizal adopted to show and to open the eyes of all Filipinos.

    Rizal, considered to be our country's national hero, was a true nationalist.Using his knowledge as a weapon, he was able to wake up the spirits and confidence among Filipinos. Rizal believed that misunderstandings, wars, and indifference can be solved through peaceful agreements. He used his pen as a sword. Rizal's greatest contributions were:

1. La Liga Filipina - a newspaper established by Rizal together with Marcelo H. del  Pilar and other nationalist. In this publication, mass revelations were made. Filipinos freely written what they have to say, what they feel that longs for changes.

2. Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo -  the two novels that were Rizal's masterpiece that portrayed and showed the situation of the Philippines during colonialism times. Many facts were contained. It had been a way to open the eyes of every Filipino what is happening around them and to challenge those who fear to join the fight against colonist.

After these novels were published, Rizal was convicted and was executed at Bagumbayan.

If you were present those times, what would have you done? Will you choose to do it the hard way with guns and sword? or, will you prefer, peaceful political advocacy?


What is nationalism?

Nationalism talks about the love, loyalty and dedication top one's country. It deals with people's devotion on their own country specifically on culture, traditions, social welfare, government and practices.

During the 19th century, the greatest nationalism among Filipinos was seen and revealed when colonialism is rampant. for hundred years that Philippines was under foreign control, we had been in chaotic situation wherein rights of Filipinos were ignored. Many problems arose bringing unsettled and injustice case and discrimination was unstoppable.women and children were abused. The colonists were the ones who enjoyed the richness of the country and the sweat of every Filipino citizen. They even saw Filipinos as an inferior nationality.

In the heart of colonialism, Filipinos never sleep. Peace of mind was very hard to achieve. Instead, fear and loss of confidence and hope took place among most Filipinos. Yet, not all surrendered.Rather, they were challenged and decided to do something to hinder the outbreak of  foreign domination.

Hence, a strong bound of brotherhood ignited a  non comparable and unbreakable nationalism. Many Filipinos rebelled building an extreme gap between the foreigners and the Filipinos. Anger became hatred. Revenge became a thirst to many Filipinos that made them to clasp hands and stand together to face the greatest fight...